Three Reasons Why A Professional Boundary Fence Beats A Wireless Pet Fence

Your need for a fence is simple: You have dogs, and you want to make sure they are safely confined to your yard. There are several options for erecting pet fencing, and wireless pet control is one of those. It promises easy installation and effectiveness. So why wouldn't you want to try it and save money over the cost of erecting a professional wood or chain link fence?

1. It may not be as easy to install as advertised.

While many kits offer ease in putting in wireless dog fencing, these systems don't always work. Most systems use underground wires and a special collar that administers a shock to the dog when it tries to leave the boundary. Installation requires digging a hole for the wire, which is relatively simple. But if it is done incorrectly, you may not be administering the right shock to your dog.

If the boundary will go through patios or walkways, you will need to cut through the concrete -- another job that may be more work than you're up for.

You also cannot install the wire alongside any other types of wire that may be underground, because it may cause interference. And if you do have underground wires, cables or pipes, you risk damaging them as you dig the holes for the boundary wires.

2. An electric fence may not be effective for all dogs.

Some dogs, especially larger dogs or those with personalities that prefer to guard or chase, may be willing to put up with the shock in order to get through the boundary. If your dog does disregard the fence, it may get into trouble -- picked up by someone else and not returned, attacked by another animal or hit by a vehicle.

You must train the dog, which can take a lot of time depending on the animal. You cannot just let the dog loose and allow it to get shocked; for maximum effectiveness you have to train the dog and use the shock as an additional deterrent.

Other dogs may not be good enough health to sustain shocks, such as those with heart problems or very young or old dogs.

3. Your yard isn't well suited to an wireless system.

Some wireless fence systems simply don't work well when behind brick, concrete or masonry walls, regardless of how much you tinker with them. The control box may not be able to contact the system consistently.

Other problems can occur when your property is larger or hilly.

An effective system generally isn't quite as inexpensive as you'd think, and you'll end up paying a good chunk of what a wired boundary fence would cost. As well, a physical boundary fence can add value to your home and keep unwanted animals out as well as your pets in.

Talk to your professional fence company for advice on what kind of fence will work best for your family. They will be able to work with you and your budget to put up an attractive and effective fence.
